Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

ADR Ontology
ADR Term Hypoaesthesia
ADR Hierarchy
17      Nervous system disorders
17.02      Neurological disorders NEC
17.02.06      Paraesthesias and dysaesthesias      Hypoaesthesia
Description Absent or reduced sensitivity to cutaneous stimulation. [MeSH]
MedDRA Code 10020937
MeSH ID D006987
ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE) Not Available
Body numbness | Hypalgesia | Hypesthesia | Hypoaesthesia | Hypoalgesia | Hypoesthesia | Hypoesthesia of gloves-socks type | Localised numbness | Numbness | Numbness along 7th cranial nerve | Numbness along L 7th cranial nerve | Numbness facial | Numbness generalized | Numbness in back of head | Numbness in face | Numbness in fingers | Numbness in hands, forearms, elbows | Numbness in leg | Numbness in shoulder | Numbness localised | Numbness localized | Numbness of fingers | Numbness of head | Numbness of limbs | Numbness of limbs-trunk | Numbness of lower extremities | Numbness of upper arm | Numbness of upper extremities | Scalp numbness | Tactile sense reduced | Numbness of extremities | Numbness in hand | Numbness in toes | Numbness in feet | Hypoaesthesia facial | Hypaesthesia | Numbness generalised | Neck numbness | Hypesthesias | Hypoesthesias | Reduced Sensation | Reduced Sensations | Sensation, Reduced | Sensations, Reduced | Hypesthesia, Tactile | Hypesthesias, Tactile | Tactile Hypesthesia | Tactile Hypesthesias | Impaired Sensation | Impaired Sensations | Sensation, Impaired | Sensations, Impaired | Hypesthesia, Thermal | Hypesthesias, Thermal | Thermal Hypesthesia | Thermal Hypesthesias
Drugs Leading to the ADR
Drug IDDrug NameADR Frequency (FAERS)ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
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